Personal Blog
A personal and professional blog by @jasontcrabtree. I write about learning Front-End Development, Product Design, Product Development and how they all tie together.
Latest Posts:
What does Nullable mean in Hasura? Researching a definition
An investigation into the definition of Nullable in Hasura, using GraphQL. References and an answer I can understand!
Website Code? Website Design? Both?
Finding a balance between a deep interest in design, AND a deep interest in the code that makes the design work
Recognising my knowledge limits: Computer Edition
Accidentally breaking* my computer through lack of experience and research, but being prepared beforehand.…
Deciphering Terms: The definition of Management, Design, Strategy and Vision in Tech Companies
Overcoming my confusion and aggregating short definitions that explain the difference between Design, Product…
Design Review of iPhone Event Countdown Apps [2020, iOS Apps]
Reviewing the visual and user experience design of 16 iPhone Event Countdown Apps [2020]. Reviewing layout, input…
All of my Favourite, Most Used Figma Plugins. Read all about them and get Plugged in!
My favourite Figma plugins — what they do, why I use them, and how you can incorporate them into your workflow. Plus a…
Five Minute Introduction to Brand Identity Design
A 5 Minute Introduction to Brand Identity Design for UX Designers, Product Designers, and other people interested in…
Learning Photoshop, Favourite Features and New Figma Workflows
Discovering the Magic Features and Tools of Photoshop after 3 years of using Figma, and copying new Photoshop Workflows…
Learning Photoshop, Online Courses and Measuring Expanding Time
Measuring time and understanding online course true lengths. Alternative title: Time is wack, and impossible to predict.
Launching Scaffold: A Figma Prototyping Library, Small Starts and Forward Progress
Scaffold is a (paid) Figma Prototyping Library containing 285 different prototype Bases. That’s worth celebrating — the…
10 Small but Mighty Tips I've Learnt for Designing Great Typography
I've recently been learning exactly how much typography can be hugely improved through tweaking a few values and…
Small Joys of Learning Code; the CSS Edition
An approachable, beginner friendly introduction to designing websites using CSS Variables. No experience with code…
A Prediction about Slack's Product Roadmap
Writing this down so I can look back in a few years to see if my hunch has paid off — that Slack becomes a full-blown…
Strategic Insights from the Slack S1
A brief review of Slack's Strategic Plans, as told by their recent S-1 document.
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